The magical journey of the youngsters Paolo and Tiziana, together with their beloved grandfather Guglielmo, continues with the observation of the celestial sphere on the ridges of the hills of their homeland, warmed by a crackling fire on an early spring night.
The creation encapsulates the essence of personalities born under the sign of Gemini and of all those people with a mind open to knowledge, who are curious, stubborn and full of flair, captivated by hedonism and aesthetics, lovers of beauty in every form, pursuing aesthetics and style, also through the gift of communication and witty dialectics, just like all those born under the sign of Gemini.
One drop of fragrance captures the vibrancy and energy of free spirits, just like Geminis, enhancing the fascinating duality and sophisticated aesthetic balance between elegance and timeless style. Gemini opens with an enveloping and elegant floral bouquet of Bulgarian Rose and Bulgarian Lavender, contrasted by the strength of Iranian Saffron and Clary Sage.
Gemini is a fragrance dedicated to those who exude vivacity and energy, or who seek a burst of timeless elegance and seduction.
Ovi se parfemi ne mogu nositi kao jednostavan komad odjeće; oni su samo za one koji se vole potpuno uroniti u život, neustrašivo doživljavajući njegovu bit do same srži. Tiziana je profesorica primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajnerica te je surađivala s vrhunskim brendovima nakita. Njezina sofisticiranost i ljubav prema ""lijepoj eleganciji"" izražena je u izvanrednim pedantnim zanatskim detaljima i nenadmašnoj kvaliteti svakog umjetničkog predmeta Terenzi. Svaki Terenzi komad sadrži detalje od 24-karatnog zlata, najkvalitetnijeg ručno puhanog talijanskog stakla, drvene umetke ili zatvarače od rijetkog talijanskog drva, ručno rezane i šivane umetke od talijanske kože.
Paolo Terenzi je iznimno talentiran, cijenjen talijanski parfumer. Vrlo nekonvencionalan, očaravajući pripovjedač, njegova je filozofija ""komponirati ljepotu"". Voli raditi samo s prirodnim sirovinama koje osobno nabavlja diljem svijeta na svojim putovanjima.